
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gila Cliff Dwellings

Around 6 AM our coffee pot turns on and starts toward the journey of waking us up.  Katz hears the pot and starts agitating us to get moving so she can have her morning fancy feast meal.  If we move too slow she starts tapping us on the head, shoulder or other body part.   Finally we get up and fold up stuff into our daytime position with the couch up and the bedcloths tucked in corners. 

Shortly after our normal Katz awakening we hear a tapping on our door.  Its Adam making sure we start for an early trip to the Gila Cliff takes nearly two hours to travel the 44 miles out of Silver City over the very winding road.  Its highway 15 and its not recommended for trailers over 25 feet.  This is one of the vista views and we are headed toward the bottom. 

Once at the Gila Cliff Dwellings you recieve a map along with a quick talk by a volunteer.
Its a one mile loop up to the cliff dwellings.  There is a total of six caves.  These cliffs were lived in around 1280.  This is the first view once you travel up the trail to the first switchback.
Here we saw a turkey buzzard sitting and waiting for us to die.  But we managed to keep right on going up to the dwellings.  Slowly but surely we went.
Here are some of the various dwellings.
Corn anyone?  Its over 700 years old!
And of course, a ladder down.

Next we went to the Lower Scorpion Campground and had lunch.  We took a short hike from the campground on the Trails to the Past and saw wonderful pictographs.
We also saw another two room cliff dwelling on that trail.
We literally went up and around repeatedly back to Silver City.  I survived the motion sickness and loved the cliffs and the pictographs.

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