
Friday, October 19, 2012

Galaxie Classic and Lake Mineral Wells State Park

Donna and I met when we were teenagers.  She moved into the housing development where I lived.  We've watched our kids grow up together.  We've traveled to and fro sometimes meeting in a National Forest for a vacation together. I've never seen their house in Weatherford since Texas is too hot in the summer.  We arrived and took a tour of their lovely, lovely house.  Then it was off to see a state park.  Here is our travel vehicle.
We went to Lake Mineral Wells state park for a quick walk.
Nice rocks!

Later we biked 10 miles.  I'll post more on that another day!



  1. trista5:16 PM

    Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold!

  2. SO great that you can enjoy these kind of things now!!!! GO JANET!!!!


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