
Saturday, September 01, 2012

Missed everything

Yesterday (Friday Aug 31)  was one of those days....we missed the start of Grotto, we missed Lone Star, we missed Great Fountain  and we missed our wonderful here are a few pictures of them since we came back and looked at those pictures since we missed them.  We haven't be able to blog since the Internets so so slow in the evening.  Maybe Sunday Morning I'll manage something.

We miss walking with Nate first thing in the morning as he likes to do at least  this summer.

And I miss baking cookies with all the Grandkids....

I miss vacations with my family!
I miss the lovely swimming hole called Winsor Lake in Vermont! 
I miss C's adventurous spirit as she searches out frogs!
This is what I miss far more than missing geysers! 


  1. I love you too, Grandma. Wish I was there. I shouldn't say wish you were here because I want you to have a good time.

    1. Jan Johns7:23 PM

      I wish you were here too. Then I wouldn't miss you. We would be doing things together. Love to you!


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