
Tuesday, July 25, 2006


What a busy day for Ms. Dolphin. Just full of excitement. The new Cell Phone works and Jan immediately called Steed Company to ask about getting a septic tank on the land.

Well, Alexander was near us and Ms. Dolphin met him at the land. Not only could he put in a septic tank, he suggested that Ms. Dolphin needed a much better place to park and that a driveway should be put in place. It wouldn’t cost lots either because the equipment and the gravel pit were nearby!

Alexander also gave us suggestions about getting onto the community water. Owen from District 7 Health Department came to our land and told the Dolphin crew that we can’t drill a well, but we can get a sewage permit. so we are not getting water, but a place to put the remains! Then Owen gave us the number for the original developers and we called them. Owen says they need to address our lack of water since the original permit was for community water use. Here is Ms. Dolphin, Jan, Owen, Alexander and Alexander’s brother all making a new driveway and deciding on where the septic tank for her needs to go.

Hmmmmm. Ms. Dolphin can carry water for a long time from Old Faithful if needed. We will see what happens next in the development of the Johns Wonderland home.

Well Ms. Dolphin is sooo happy to have a nice place to stay on her own piece of Wonderland where her brand new refrigerator is sooo happy on this nice level driveway.Katz was very happy too. She could travel outside for part of the day!

A celebration dinner was cooked up and happily eatten.

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