
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MacBook Pro

An iPad has been my primary computer since it's release one year ago. Though not a fully implemented PC I was able to work around Apple's various constraints and quirks. Blogging was made possible with an App called BlogPress which provided a usable front-end for eBlogger. The App handled uploading PICs from the iPad to Blogger's server where they were then Hosted, the same as we have always done with our Blog. But recently the Bidnessman at BlogPress made a change such that PICs are now Hosted either at Picasa, Flickr, or on the BlogPress server but not on Blogger's server. We don't want people to have to deal with Flickr because it takes several steps to get to a full-screen PIC (the whole purpose of "clicking" on the Thumbnail in a Blog Post) so I set BlogPress to use their server. That worked OK until the Bidnessman got the bright idea (NOT) of shrinking the PICs some and surrounding them with advertisements. For us that was a Deal Breaker. Our Blog doesn't exist to provide an advertising venue to some Bidnessman. But there are no other (usable) Blogging Apps for iPad. Hmmm.

The small size of the iPad screen and the lack of Photo handling capability has been a disadvantage for Blogging and PIC viewing. The BlogPress Bidness Boner was the last straw so I ordered up a refurbished MacBook Pro.
I even paid twenty Bucks
for FedEx next-day.

Yup, it's a Mac
(see the Apple?)
That man seems excited
with his new toy...
...oops, I mean "tool".

I am delighted with the results of the change. The MacBook has a larger, brighter screen which is much better for my eyes and IMO iPhoto can't be beat as an organizational tool with enough included simple editing capability for Blogging. With Apple's multi-function touch-pad I can seamlessly zoom as needed to suit the condition of my eyes at any given moment. This Thing is soooo easy to use that I am quickly redoing each Post that BlogPress messed up. 

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